The harp is one of the oldest musical instruments in the world, dating back to at least 2500 BCE. The earliest harps, found in Ancient Egypt, were bow-shaped or angular with only a few strings. The frame harp, with a straight forepillar, developed in western Europe in the eight century with ten to twelve strings. In the fourteenth century, harps with a curved forepillar, a hollowed soundbox, and 30-36 bass strings developed in Ireland; while in continental Europe the ‘Renaissance harp’ with a thinner and less curved forepillar with 24 or more strings developed. As the harp evolved, the material used for the strings changed from hair or plant fibre, to gut, to stiffer materials such as copper and brass.
Harps continued to develop in style across Europe from the seventeenth century onwards, from double-strung, triple-strung and cross-strung harps, to the single-action pedal and finally the double-action pedal harp, which was patented in 1810 and is still in use today.
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